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The main goal of the project is to design a technological network in order to promote scientifically and technological Romanian community integration into the Nanoelectronics European Platform. The nanoelectronics domain is part of new technologies, with revolutionary character mentioned in CEEX Program.
The network which make the object of this proposal will contribute to the integration in Nanoelectronisc ETP (ENIAC) by: a) developing common research in certain thematic areas from ENIAC agenda with some support of external collaborations; b) creating an experimental facilities and software system which will be used in common by all network partners, and also to enlarge the offer area for participating to the European projects; c) creating and diversifying a technological services system and a technological offer of the network; d) human resources training and formation; e) developing of a critical mass of human and  material resources by collaboration with other consortia financed by national and European founds, and direct support for participation to Nanoelectronics ETP.

a) The first RTN-NANOEL objective  is to finance a pilot projects with new, explorer character (small size projects - miniprojects), in domains in which the Romanian researchers have chances to participate to the European programs. The funds established for every this miniproject will be enough only for the first stage of research, and in the future it will be additional funds. The selection of this area was made in accordance with PC6 and CEEX competitions results, and also, with partnership connections already established between national institutes, Romanian Academy institutes and universities.

b) The second objective of the network is the creation of a type of network facilities infrastructure (from the existing model in USA), the weight centre of the network being the white room from INCD-Microtechnologies (CO/P1). For the first time in Romania, inside this facility will be possible an advanced processing of nanomaterials and nanostructures, which allows developing integrated structures at the finest level of sharpness which is not found anywhere else in the country. The purpose of this endowment it is not to develop finished products, but to create an emulation in complex teams, from different organisations, which are focused on new materials, new processes, new structures.
A key issue of this network is increasing the interaction between partners from the network which are able to develop nanostructures (CO/P1, P3, P5, P7) and those that possess an exceptional endowment (equipments) for advanced materials elaboration and characterisation (P3, P6-P9). From this point of view, the technological network has the character of a network which offers scientific services for the partners, but as well to other organisations, mainly that ones that are partners themselves on other consortia financed from CEEX programme. Free access to equipments for outside researchers has benefice effects, including for “host” collective: it is accumulated a supplementary “know-how”, emerge new ideas for proposals.

c) The third objective is the creation of a technological services system for companies (SMEs) interested in the domain. These services are depending on actual competences and endowments of the consortia, including those connected to computer aided design. These resources are available beginning with 2006. Other characteristics of the project are:

  • utilisation of some existing technological transfer entities (scientific park, Technological Transfer and Innovation Center from INFRATECH system by CO/P1, P2)
  • utilisation of the international connections which allows to provide complex services for companies which does not have enough competences to develop a complex product and enough financial resources to invest in acquisition of new technological lines. Romanian-German centre (IMT-GTZ) which will be launched in February 2006, as well the involvement in EUROPRACTICE services system are the most eloquent examples (but not the only ones) which are provided by INCD-Microtechnologies.

d) Another objective of this network is to ensure a significant contribution to the development of human resources by multidisciplinary training which results from common activity of different laboratories and also by short or medium training activities addressed to the researchers and personnel from SMEs also.
e) The development of a “human and materials resources reservoir”, a critical mass and an international visibility will be based by synergy with other project and development of an “extended” network. Wile in the selection of the financed thematic from RTN-NANOEL was avoided overlapping with other projects thematic, the “extended” network will include associated partners and a major number of research teams from universities and institutes which are able to bring theirs direct or indirect contribution to the nanoelectronics programme. Promoting and dissemination of information but also the training will take place in this larger frame.


Last update: 21 aprilie 2007
