MINATECH-RO E-newsletter

Science and technology park for micro- and nanotechnologies MINATECH-RO


Companies from MINATECH-RO





Contact: [email protected]

No.1/Year 1 - January 2007


MINATECH-RO Facilities: Micro- and Nanofabrication Facilities, part of a technological platform offered by IMT-Bucharest [...]


Profile: a company in the MINATECH-RO park :

SITEX 45 SRL it is a small company involved in following activities R&D and manufacturing of:
- microelectronics components and optoelectronics devices, sensors and array sensors, transducers and microsystems as MEMS & MOEMS;
- new materials development and dedicated applications for micro & nanotechnologies;
- design and engineering for micro contamination control and environment monitoring systems;
[more details]

Projects: Romanian-German cooperation in the field of micro- and nanotechnologies (MNT) [...]
The project of a Romanian-German Centre for micro- and nanotechnologies (MNT) has been launched in Bucharest, Romania, on February 15, 2006, at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, with the participation of Michael Guth (Zenit GmbH), Daniel Cosnita (GTZ/Inno Consult), and Peter Hahn (VDI/VDE IT). This project is based on a contract between IMT and GTZ.

Collaboration between RO-NANOMED and the German NanoBiotechnology Network "NanoBioNet" - The Center of Excellence of Nanobiotechnology.
Collaboration between RO-NANOMED and the German NanoBiotechnology Network 'NanoBioNet' is expressed by the presence of NanoBioNet representatives to two events organised in Bucharest and the visit of Prof. Dan Dascalu to the NanoBioNet headquarters in Saarbruken [more details]

New! Visit in Romania of the delegation representing the MST-network Rhein Main, Germany
A delegation of the MST-network Rhein main from Germany will visit the Romania (Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova) beetwen 7 and 14 February 2007, according to an agreement with IMT-Bucharest. The science park MINATECH-RO will be also visited.
